John 3:16 Mission Outreach

Why Forgiveness? | At JCILM Bangalore

Piyush Pushkal, founder of John 3:16 Mission Foundation, speaks on the topic of 'Why Forgiveness' at JCILM, Bangalore

Launch of Project R.E.A.P.P. on Indian Catholic Matters

Indian Catholic Matters released the news of the launch of John 3:16 Mission Foundation's initiative - R.E.A.P.P (Releasing Encouragement, Appreciation & Prayers to Priests). Click on the image to view the press release.

Vocation Promotion in India: A Mission with Vision

Piyush Pushkal, founder of John 3:16 Mission Foundation addressed the topic of Vocation and Mission from the Perspective of Lay Faithful at the National Vocation Promotors' and Minor Seminary Rectors' Meeting (South Zone) in June 2022, in Bangalore.

Synodality In The Life And Mission Of The Church In India

Piyush Pushkal, founder of John 3:16 Mission Foundation was invited to be one of the panelists at National Council Meeting of CDPI (Conference of the Diocesan Priests). The topic of three panel discussions was "The Church in India and Its Synodal Approach to Parish and Diocesan Pastoral Engagements.".

The Seminar took place in May 2022, at Mysore.

CCBI’s Media Apostolate Gears Up to Fine-Tune Church Communication Strategy

Presentation by Piyush Pushkal, founder of John 3:16 Mission Foundation highlighted the media challenges, opportunities and strategies before the Church authorities at the media apostolate that was held under the aegis of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in India (CCBI) in March 2022

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