The John 3:16 Scribe

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Picture of Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa

Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa

“Fratelli tutti”: short summary of Pope Francis's Social Encyclical

Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. With an emphatic confirmation of a ‘no’ to war and to globalized indifference.
Picture of Vinay Silva

Vinay Silva

Vinay Silva is an architect from Bangalore. After several years of work experience in the corporate sector, he has changed his profession towards serving humanity. He is presently involved in the implementation of low-cost housing for poor families.
About 15 years ago, he experienced a personal encounter with Jesus Christ which renewed his faith and he has been spiritually inclined ever since. He has recently completed a 2-year commitment on full time basis with a lay Catholic community and has served in Goa and Kolkata. Over the recent 4-5 years, he has been actively involved in sharing God’s Word in small groups and through writing. For about 2 years, he led the Small Christian Community (SCC) meetings at his parish. His articles have been published in various Catholic magazines.

Picture of Philip Balfour

Philip Balfour

Member of the Core Team of ‘Mary Immaculate Praise Community’ Oman for twenty years. Member of the Advisory Board, ‘Bible Society of Oman’ for ten years. Lay Minster of St. Peter’s & Paul’s Church, Oman. Vice President of the Catholic Charismatic Service Team of Oman.
At present member of the ‘Disciples of Christ Praise Community’, Bangalore.

Currently retired, Philip has worked professionally for over 40 years in the field of Materials Management-Specializing in Automobile, Earth Moving Equipment and Agriculture Equipment.

Picture of Piyush Pushkal

Piyush Pushkal

Born in a Hindu family, Piyush came to faith in the Lord Jesus in 2001. With a passion to share the Gospel and witness lives turn to Jesus, so that others may experience freedom and joy in Christ, he founded the John 3:16 Mission Foundation.

Currently, he is working as the Asia Pacific Product Marketing & Operation Lead for Commercial Desktops at Dell Technologies, having over 15 years of experience in the IT industry.


My Testimony

Dear Friends There are times when we come across people who leave deep impressions on our lives. I encountered one such person in the Lord

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Picture of Kimberly Pereira

Kimberly Pereira

“I Can Do All Things through Christ Who Strengthens Me”
This is the verse that is deep rooted in Kimberly - from being a graphic designer in Mumbai professionally to writing about God and teaching Catechism.

Reflections & Teachings

Faith over fear

Many people are facing challenges and are struggling all around the world in this time of uncertainty. Be it young children, adults or elderly people

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From Jeff Cavins blog

From Dr. Scott Hahn's blog

    Source: Blog - Dr. Scott Hahn - The Official Site Published on 2020-01-25
  • Greatest
    Source: Blog - Dr. Scott Hahn - The Official Site Published on 2019-03-27
  • Serve
    Source: Blog - Dr. Scott Hahn - The Official Site Published on 2019-03-20
  • Mighty Deed
    Source: Blog - Dr. Scott Hahn - The Official Site Published on 2019-02-22
  • Begged
    Source: Blog - Dr. Scott Hahn - The Official Site Published on 2019-02-19

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