Signs of Spiritual Vices in a Person – St. John of the Cross

1. Spiritual PRIDE: [from Chapter 2] – Fervour in spiritual works but partly done with impure intentions (for self satisfaction and with thoughts of self glorification, done for some personal reputation and fame) – Desire to dominate and instruct others – Desire for recognition of spirituality – Desire to receive praise – Portrays oneself as […]
Responding to the Thirst of Jesus – Part I

Part 1 (of 3) – The Desire of Jesus on the Cross The 7 last words of Jesus on the Cross are in many ways, rightly assessed to be His most powerful sermon ever. Among these seven last words is the seemingly simple “I thirst” phrase (John 19:28). We all know that Jesus was not […]
When Christ comes, our Worldliness HAS to go!

Advent and Christmas is always associated with the coming of Jesus. This ‘coming’ happens in many dimensions – At our Baptism, at a time as adults when we truly decide to be faithful to Him, the time of our encounter with the Lord leading to a living relationship with Him, at the time of sincere […]
Aroma of Christ – Are you the “Fragrance” of the Savior?

There is a famous line in a song – “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Questions 1 & 2: Is it really by your love that others know that you are a Christian? Or is it just because you are from a Christian family and because you go to church? For we […]
Giving your heart to Jesus

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matt 6:21 The ‘treasure’ here refers to our priorities. If our treasure is Jesus, our priorities will be aligned with the Lord and then our hearts will be united to His. We need to ask ourselves – What are my priorities in […]
Called to a Friendship with the Lord

The Catholic spirituality is not just another religion; nor is it one of many paths to reaching God. It is a living relationship with God which all baptized are called to live out through Jesus. Many of us fail to realise that every Holy Mass that we attend provides an opportunity for us to have […]
Is Jesus born in your heart? – An Advent Reflection

A good question indeed! Well, all of us would like to think so and say ‘yes’. But the reality is this: Jesus would never, ever force Himself into one’s heart. He is a perfect gentleman, always patiently waiting for us to invite Him in. “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; IF you hear […]
The Corona Pandemic –
A Spiritual Introspection – Part IV

Let’s talk about Eternity! The world and its desires are passing away but those who do the Will of God live forever 1 John 2:17 As Christians, we need to ask ourselves 3 important questions: Are we convinced of the shortness of this earthly life? Are we convinced of the reality of Eternal life? Are […]
The purpose of your life

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfilment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It Is far greater than your family, your career or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. You were born by HIS purpose and for HIS purpose. To know the purpose of your existence, you […]
The Corona Pandemic –
A Spiritual Introspection – Part III

An awakening of spirituality And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. – Rom 13:11 In the recent past, many of us have learnt invaluable lessons, thanks to coronavirus. These lessons include […]