Life – A Gift of God

How often do we take for granted the precious gift of life? How often do we sit and thank God for giving us this life? What is life without God? The world we currently live in is a roller coaster with so many emotions and worldly pleasure that we forget the essence of life. We […]
The Corona Pandemic –
A Spiritual Introspection – Part IV

Let’s talk about Eternity! The world and its desires are passing away but those who do the Will of God live forever 1 John 2:17 As Christians, we need to ask ourselves 3 important questions: Are we convinced of the shortness of this earthly life? Are we convinced of the reality of Eternal life? Are […]
The purpose of your life

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfilment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It Is far greater than your family, your career or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. You were born by HIS purpose and for HIS purpose. To know the purpose of your existence, you […]